Sunday, February 22, 2009

Recently Andy found out that he needed to have neck surgery. MRI on Friday, results Wednesday and surgery Monday...WOW what a week! First Madi and then Andy~ His surgery went well but he struggled to wake up in recovery. Three hours after finding out he was done with surgery he finally gets up to his room. Nurse is kind enough to share that they pulled the crash cart over by him because he kept trying not wake up. Why did she feel like she needed to share that? Since he works at the hospital he had many visitors...meaning he pretty much worked the whole time he was there. Here are some pics ... enjoy!

Sunday, February 08, 2009

This has been quite the week! I finally feel like I am going to survive and not cough my lungs out. Madison has been sick too so I let her stay home on Monday. Well...she was coming down the stairs and slipped (NO, I did NOT push her) down the last 6 stairs. At the bottom of our stairs we have hardwoods. She stopped her fall by putting her foot down hard & broke it. So after a trip to the ER and several to her orthopedic we are in a cast for now. Notice the toes they match the cast. We had to add the stairs for dramatic effect. LOL