Monday, February 04, 2008

Okay I have finally decided to follow up on this blog! I don't know if you all know but we do a lot on Myspace and Face book so I think we tend to forget about the rest of our blogs!

This year has been a wacky and wierd one to say the least. I think that we are finally on the down side of the hill though (knock on wood)!!!

Jason is home again and going to his new high school. He is in the play, Annie get your gun. As always he is definatly in his element~ DRAMA! He is still playing in the band with both of his instruments. I just hope that he is able to settle and enjoy.

Connor and Duncan are gearing up of baseball again. This will be Connor's last year in rec ball before he moves up to 7th grade Middle School ball. There are times that I really struggle to wrap my arms around the fact that my kids are growing up so quickly! Duncan was just featured in a local magazine. He talked about all his "girlfriends" and what he wanted to get them for Valentine's day. What a ham!!! He has been asked to be on the morning news show on Valentine's day so that he can follow up. He swings between being very nervous and excited.

Madison has decided that she wants to try the whole softball thing again. I dont know what I think about that just yet...she so hated it the last time! Her best friend will be on her team this time so maybe it will be better.

As for Andy and I, we are pretty much the same. We miss having family around! We have been so blessed to have great friends here in Alabama. But it just isn't the same. Hopefully this year we are able to make it to Fishlake for the family vacation. Cross your fingers!